Below are some questions newcomers frequently have about Emmanuel. If you don’t see your question below, feel free to email or call the church office. You can also reach out HERE.

what is worship like?

Lutheran worship is participatory and involves the entire assembly in singing, praying, and proclaiming. Services change slightly throughout the year, but there are usually readings from the Bible, songs, prayers, a sermon, and the celebration of Holy Communion.

can i receive communion?

Yes. Everyone is invited to receive Communion and participate fully in worship. We do not turn people away because of age, religious background, or any other reason. There are no outcasts, no strangers, and no unwelcome guests.

what should i wear?

Some people wear shorts and sandals. Some people wear ties. Most people wear something in between. Wear whatever makes you comfortable. It really doesn’t matter.

how long do services last?

Services on Sunday mornings are usually about an hour, maybe an hour and a quarter. Mid-week services during the seasons of Advent and Lent are usually around thirty minutes.

do you have a contemporary or traditional service?

We don’t draw a hard line between the two. Though we follow a traditional liturgy, musical selections range from ancient to modern.

Are kids welcome?

Absolutely! Kids are always welcome to participate fully in worship. We have worship bags with a variety of books, coloring supplies, and toys to aid kids in worship. There is also a designated parent/kid room with couches and toys for those moments when you just need to step out. A large window allows you to continue worshiping with the whole congregation.

do you provide childcare?

We do not provide childcare during worship. Kids are invited to participate fully in the service. Don’t worry if your kids get squirmy or impatient. Wiggles and sounds are delightful signs of life.

Is there sunday school?

September through May, children Preschool through Fifth Grade are invited downstairs for Jesus and Me (JAM) following the Children’s Message. At JAM, kids encounter the same scripture readings as the adults upstairs but with age appropriate learning and play. Kids return to the sanctuary and their families in time for Communion.

will i be welcome here if i’m not lutheran or not sure what i believe about god?

Yes! We worship to hear God’s promises to us in Word and Sacrament, not because we have all the answers.

Are you welcoming and affirming of lgbtqia+ people?

Yes! We are an inclusive and affirming congregation, welcoming people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. You can read our full welcome statement HERE. We are a Reconciling in Christ congregation.

wondering about accessibility?

There are no stairs to enter the building. The building itself is two floors with the Sanctuary upstairs and fellowship hall downstairs. There is an elevator for any who wish to use it. Hearing assistance devices are available. Larger Communion cups are available for shaky hands. There are two single occupancy restrooms on the Sanctuary level. Changing table and basic diaper changing supplies are available in the restroom off the parent/kid room in the Sanctuary. If you have additional questions about accessibility, please contact the church office.

how can i become a member?

You can simply fill out a one-page MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION FORM and return to Pastor Sierra. New members are welcomed during worship through Affirmation of Baptism.

don’t see your question here?

We want your first time at Emmanuel to be a positive experience. So feel free to call or email the church office. We’re happy to chat about any questions you have.

Church Phone: (208) 882-3915

E-mail: office@elutheran.church